A fully autonomous USV-carried survey and hydrography system for rapid low-logistics surveying in dams, rivers and coasts. Suitable for deployment in shallow and high speed waterways.
This integrated THURN system is available with a turn-key single beam and side scan solution for autonomous or remote-controlled collection of depth and sonar imagery. using single frequency or dual frequency echosounders, the Imagenex yellowfin OEM sidescan and an SBG 3rd generation dual-antenna motion and positioning sensor.
Recording and viewing data has never been easier with the new HYPACK OFFICE software. Coupled with an easy to launch, compact and robust survey vessel means low-logistics deployments and recoveries. Surveys have never been safer!
The OceanAlpha SL20 is a 1.1m long unmanned survey vessel weighing less than 25kg, perfect for work in closed and protected saltwater and inland environments such as ports, harnours and rivers.
- Autonomous map-based survey patterns ensuring full coverage of larger areas
- Quick set up for survey operations
- Individualised incident projects
- Increased situational awareness and safety of operations
- Ports, Harbours and Dredging
- Underwater Archaelogy
- Sunken Timber Recovery
- Search & Recovery
- Surveying
- Law Enforcement Work
- Scientific Research
- Environmental Survey
- Hull Material - Carbon Fiber
- Dimensions - (L)105cm (W)55cm (H)35cm
- Weight - 17kg
- Payload - 8kg
- Draft - 15cm
- Propulsion - Water-jet propulsion
- Communication Range - Autopilot: 2km Remote Control: 1km
- Max. Speed - 10knots (6m/s)
- Battery Life - 6 hours @1.5m/s